As much as I love that we have earth day I have to question why the other 364 dayz of the year arnt celebrated by taking care of the earth. I understand an event day helps remind people and events are held to get people involved which is all great. I just hope that one day people gain daily awarness of what needs to be done.
Ive always been the type to pull recycleables out of the garbage that my room mates have tossed, picked up cans on the road and gum wrappers that have been thrown at my feet to piss me off...lol.
Just recently I saw a girl throw a cigarette pack out her car window! I beeped my horn loud and clear at her! im a pretty pacient driver not know to use my horn much at all. But this really urked me!
The book I have on my bed side table ( well, on the floor beside my bed) is 365 ways to change the world by Michael Norton. Its a great book full of Ideas to help I keep renewing it from the library and dog earing all the pages that have ideas I want to follow through with ( I know I know libraries hate when you dog ear books, but these dog ears are for a good cause). Today I excpected for the page to celebrate earth day of course. Nope instead it encourages me to be a bee keeper because with out bees we would not have all our fruits, veggies and flowers. Now the chances of me being a bee keeper are pretty slim so I probably wont dog ear that page.
Lets turn these computers off through the day! enjoy the sun and fresh air cause who knows how long it will be here if we dont get on it! (plus If you turn off the computer it will stop sucking all the energy it takes to run it which is alot!)
happy earthday everyone I hope you enjoyed my tough love info session...xo
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