About a year ago my moms housekeeper had to quit . My mom thought she could handle cleaning her own house again but after a couple weeks realized what she was missing. Me with my newborn baby thought of a great deal..... I clean once a week in change for a monthly gym pass that sounds fair right? baby sleeps, I clean , it was fantastic until the baby began to be more awake and want to crawl and chase piles of dirt of course. Today after missing many cleaning days and never making it to the gym I left my letter of resignation which believe me my mother will be more then happy about! Now she wont feal bad hiring a new housekeeper.I mean really isnt it kinda weird when your house keepers husband actually has to hire a house keeper? ( needless to say I got the hint)
Tonight two of my close friends ( close as in felt comfortable folding my underwear) came over and started folding my laundry while we drank wine. Yeah its true if I offered them a place to sit that wasnt covered in dayz worth of laundry maybe it would have been different but it happend and from now on this laundry couch will be my entertaining area, why not right? free labour and good company? Tonight I dedicate my blog to housekeepers and housekeepers housekeepers. It is an endless job. But heres the good idea that comes of all of this...
#1 pile dayz worth of laundry on you couch. #2 invite over the (perferably) gurls. ( we all know guys are pretty usless whe it comes to folding) #3 sit them on your couch ( not that they can find it ) # 4 feed them wine ( maybe this is step #1)
Within 30 minutes your laundry will be nicely folded and your friends will be comfortable. Now to make this only fair you of course suggest that your friend(s) buy a bottle of vino next week and you will fold theirs.what goes around comes around and everyone loves folded laundry.
Rememer a messy house means happy children!

Yeah! for cleaning fun! wine, friends and laundry what more could you ask for... could it be washing floors at my house next week;)
I will come and fold your laundry!!!!
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