Babies, a new world-spanning documentary, follows four very different kids from birth to toddlerhood.
My 5 yr old and I were discussing this up and coming documentary. The film 4 different babies one from Japan, one from United States, one from Namibia and one from mongolia.
I cant wait to check out the different ways babies are raised. they are comparing this documentary to the likes of "planet Earth". I explained this to my boy, these are his observations of the pictures in the article...
you can grow babies in wind....
you have to water them.....
(United States)
The need dirt like plants....
and of course they need sleep.....
"cool mom look at all the different ways to grow babies"
Happy Tuesday Everyone!
ps first thing he says when he gets home.....
" mom can we put my baby brother in the shower and see if he really will grow?"
Guess the article really made him think!
"You can grow babies in wind"
Kills me.
I saw something about this movie the other day......looks good!
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