Thursday, April 15, 2010

The mind of my child...and the moustache

Yesterday my 5 yrold informed me that when is and old man and it is time to die he would be on a bus because the bus could drive him all the way to hamster heaven where he could be with his late hamster Scooter. I mean what a great idea right? yeah hes full of them. He makes the best of bad situations my kid. A couple months ago when everyone in the Valley was getting flooded he looks at the t.v and says " whats the big deal mom? "I think its great cause all the grass is getting so much water". He really does say the darndest things. which brings me to the moustache. Any time he sees a moustache he refrences to his Uncle Peter. Sometimes he even tells the female gender " hey cool! you can grow a moustache like my Uncle!" Thats not so cool but he totaly gets away with it. He is very honest, if you are big , small, fat, skinny he is not afraid to let you know. of course his favorite is to point out to people that they are old " mommy Ijust held the door open for that old man and its a good thing I did cause he is so old that he could never do it on his own".
This man was in his 50's with grey hair definitly completley capable of getting around, and yes the boy child said it loud enough for everyone to hear. Anyway back to the stash. Im not a fan of the stash. My bros a good looking guy and I often have talks with girls about this hair growth on his uper lip. Most would say its gotta go. Except his georgeous lady who actually kinda likes it. I began to search around for moustaches on the interweb only to find myself throwing up in my mouth a little. There is some nasty stash out there that makes my brother look good for sure. The first couple photos are the acceptable stash, moving on to unacceptable and then the 2 final photos are of my brother not lookin so bad........


Now for the nasties........might want to grab a bowl

(my bro)

I think after viewing the last 3 photos ( above the 2 of my brother) I have learned that my brother can rock the stash
It s the whole theory of find some thing worse and it makes other things look better!
I love you Brother stash or no stash!


Kim said...

Alli you and your kid crack me up!
I don't really love the stash thing either....but if anyone can rock the stash your brother does!


Lissy said...

I'm sorta in love with mustache things atm. Cups, rings, necklaces, hairclips etc. But I've gotta admit, I'm not a fan of real ones either... sorry Pete.